In the film "A Fierce Green Fire." it follows the stories of peoples lives who have dedicated parts of their life to restoring the earth or preserving the earths wonders. We are introduced to a woman who helped save the life's of many family's by getting involved with the government and helping to clean up and move family's away from a diseased Love Canal. We also meet a nice man who was a co fonder of Green Peace, which worked to save whales. As of this day he is still fighting to save whales and other sea animals from being hunted.
A company in California called "The Air Resources Board (ARB)" is California's air pollution control agency. In California air pollution was getting dangerously high and something had to be done, thanks to ARB there are now restriction put on cars and bushiness about how much pollution is aloud to be released by the companies and cars. Since 1980 air pollution in California has gone down.
The EPA is a nation wide contributor to helping save the world. they do not specialize in one type of disaster but the y help clean up the air, water and land. if its not the EPA doing the cleaning then its help from other federal agencies, states, municipalities, or the company/party responsible for the contamination. The EPA is also a great way to get involved and learn more information about how you or they are helping the world you live on.